Coach Profile


Aileen Markey

Aileen has 19 years of experience in the Talent Management space & whilst her knowledge spans multiple disciplines, she is best known for supporting people & organisations through complex restructures & transformational change.   Aileen has the ability to navigate highly matrixed organisations & complex situations  in a calm & structured way. She’s a relationship builder, successful creator & leader of teams, & continues to invest much personal time in the development of other Talent Management professionals.

Aileen has lived & worked in three continents & has substantial cross sector experience.  She took a break from the corporate world in 2016 & set up her own business, which was just about to take off when a global pandemic hit!  Aileen has both great work and life experience, along with her accredited coaching training she would be an asset to any client/coachee.

Here’s what some of her coachees have to say…..

‘I never thought such small techniques would make such a great impact! Thank you so much for unlocking some of my pain points. I feel so much more empowered and confident already!’

‘Aileen made me feel at ease during our sessions and created a safe space for honest conversations’

‘After putting what I learned into practice, I felt an improvement in the way I work, communicate & interact with my colleagues’