Simon Patton
Having experienced life changing trauma during his life, Simon set about using his experience in pursuit of helping others find fulfilment and achieve their goals. With over 16 years experience leading and coaching teams across 4 global companies, Simon combines his experience with a passion for people to ensure his coaching sessions are both enjoyable and get results.
Leveraging the very latest tools and skills in the coaching world (Whole System Integrated Coaching with Neuroscience), Simon will help you by focusing on what is important to you, unlocking your potential and helping you achieve your goals. Just some examples of coaching with clients include:
– Building self confidence
– Identifying your life purpose
– Identifying and living closer to your values
– Maximising performance at work
– Managing stress
– Developing happier, more meaningful relationships with self and others
– Improved wellness (physical, mental)
– Improved financial management
– Getting more joy / happiness out of life
– How to survive (and then thrive) through change
– Living up to your full potential
– Finding purpose and happiness during the Coronavirus Pandemic
By partnering with Simon and utilising a coaching with neuroscience approach, together we will evoke transformation in your life through working closely with your values, belief systems and behaviours. Clients often say that when partnering with Simon, results echo well into the future and ripple outwards into many other areas of their lives.